Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Salsa Verde Secrets Revealed!

Ingredients: Tomatillos, serrano peppers, garlic, cilantro, salt.  Ignore the lime there, it was for the pico de gallo.
I usually use about 1 pepper per 2 tomatillos for a medium-hot salsa, you can adjust accordingly.
Take off the outer shell off the tomatillos and cut the top off the serranos. Put them in a pot like this.
Boil them until the tomatillos are soft. Maybe about 5 minutes. Drain out the water.
Put the tomatillos and peppers in a blender. Then add a hand full of cilantro, 1 clove of garlic, and about 1 tsp of salt (maybe add more later).
Blend. At this stage, do NOT open the lid and smell the salsa. The hot pepper steam will get you. Also keep in mind that the hot temperature of the salsa will make it taste more spicy. It will be less spicy as it cools down.

1 comment:

krissiecook said...

And here I thought we were going to see steamy pics of some salsa verde in dark glasses and a trenchcoat leaving a Taco Bell.